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  • Use AI From Gong.IO To Close More Sales With Chris Orlob

Use AI From Gong.IO To Close More Sales With Chris Orlob

Stream below or right-click here to download the episode.

  • The talk-to-listen ratio you need to follow to stack the odds in your favor of closing the sale

  • The number one “buying signal” during the highest-performing sales conversations

  • When top performers mention price in their conference calls

  • When you need to discuss price what you must establish first

  • What one word helps improve your forecast accuracy 73%

  • What negative conversational signals are and how to handle them

  • How to treat non-committal language from prospects

  • What it means to have a “gung-ho” prospect, and what are the chances of closing them

  • What happens when you take the guesswork out of sales

  • How to take the guesswork out of sales

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Do you want to give presentations but are worried that you won’t be able to connect and convert your attendees?

David Hutchison has a proven “FIRE UP” process to help you motivate your audiences. Stream the episode below or right-click here to download it.

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