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  • Find Any Lead Fast With Brandon Bornancin of Seamless.ai

Find Any Lead Fast With Brandon Bornancin of Seamless.ai

The secret to outbound prospecting and cold outreach is your list

Click here to download the episode.

  • Sold for IBM and Google

  • Spent millions on sales databases

  • They were missing 90% of the people he needed to reach

  • It drove him crazy

  • Built his own search engine and AI to find and validate these leads

  • Helping over 150,000 salespeople around the world grow their sales

  • Was an entrepreneur when he was 19 and built gambling software

  • Lost $4 million building a text messaging company when online gambling was outlawed

  • Went into Corporate sales

  • Got frustrated doing redundant grunt work in his CRMs

  • He didn’t understand the B2B space at first

  • Taught himself sales by reading hundreds of sales books

  • IBM’s Watson division was new and the training was terrible

  • Get his books

    • “Sales Secrets”

    • “Whatever It Takes”

  • Predictable, repeatable sales systems are needed

  • Went to Google to sell something “easier”

  • Built an overseas research team at IBM to help him find contacts

  • Built a search engine at Google to find contacts and titles

  • Leveraged AI he learned from IBM to perfect his search

You don’t change my scripts until you hit quota.”

Brandon Bornancin on The Sales Podcast
  • The phone still works in B2B sales today

  • They’ve booked 406 sales calls in 24 hours with a small team

  • Great salespeople can multi-task

  • He finds cell phones, direct dials, and emails for his leads

  • Corporate directories are death today in COVID

  • Most people don’t mind you calling their cell phones today

  • Took him years to build this complex platform

  • The founders of Google invested in him eventually

  • $0 to $10,000 in MRR is pre-seed capital

  • $10,000 to $100,000 MRR you go to seed round (up to $5 million)

  • When you’re confident you raise funding

  • You gotta know your numbers

  • He is very prescriptive in his approach for his salespeople

    • Scripts

    • Strategies

    • Plays

  • Gives his salespeople the latitude to customize their approach

  • You don’t change my scripts until you hit quota

  • Don’t get too creative

  • Don’t invent. Block and tackle!

  • He built a meritocracy

  • Had an office in the Amazon building since they invested in him and one in Columbus, OH

  • Shut down Columbus when the governor shut down the state due to COVID

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast