Your Tongue Infects Your Body

From today’s reading…

Or think of ships: no matter how big they are, even if a gale is driving them, they are directed by a tiny rudder wherever the whim of the helmsman decides. So the tongue is only a tiny part of the body, but its boasts are great. Think how small a flame can set fire to a huge forest; The tongue is a flame too. Among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a whole wicked world: it infects the whole body; catching fire itself from hell, it sets fire to the whole wheel of creation.” James 3:4-6

Watch what you say.

Watch what you type.

Watch what you share online.

Watch what emails you send.

In other words, listen to your momma when she warned you, “You better watch your mouth, child!”

It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.