Your Sin Kills Your Children

From today’s reading…

David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against Yahweh.’ Nathan then said to David, ‘Yahweh, for his part, forgives your sin; you are not to die. But, since you have outraged Yahweh by doing this, the child born to you will die.’” 2 Samuel 12:13-14

Every month I spend 2.5 days with 12-20 Christian businessmen between the ages of 25 to 68 in an immersive, intensive experience where easily half the men bring up trauma, drama, and head trash stemming from their broken relationship with their father, be it alcohol and substance abuse, verbal and physical abuse of themselves and/or their mothers, and/or neglect related to divorce or just abandoning the family.

Our actions have consequences for years and even generations.

David was made aware of the painful effects of his sins immediately, which, in many ways, was a blessing because he was given time to repent and work on making amends.

What sinful actions are you taking today that are damaging your family and will continue harming them for the rest of their lives?

Do you think God does not notice them?

Do you believe He will forget or gloss over them?

Are you so lazy, so arrogant, so ignorant to think you are different?

That your sins don’t matter?

That they are “tiny” and not hurting anyone?

Are you waiting for a bolt of lightning from God in the form of a broken marriage, crushed spouse, and damaged children to knock some sense into you?

God has given you today’s reading because He loves you.

He wants you to be wise and learn from the pain of others yesterday to alleviate pain in your own life today, which will lessen the pain of those you love tomorrow. Live like the repentant David, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.