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  • Your Lie Recoils On Your Own Head

Your Lie Recoils On Your Own Head

From today’s reading…

Daniel said, ‘Indeed! Your lie recoils on your own head: the angel of God has already received from him your sentence and will cut you in half.’” Daniel 13:55

Clearly, I’m still a work in progress because I love reading about evil people dying by their own swords.

I’d like to see a few thousand politicians and military bigwigs who were nothing more than politicians playing army held accountable for the pain and suffering they’ve intentionally created since early 2020, not to mention the messes they made in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, across Africa, and throughout Central and South America.

I’m always willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and I hope and pray that everyone comes to their senses and repents before it’s too late because I know I’m about 2.3 million miles from perfect, and I sure hope and pray that God is patient and generous with me, but I know that if I persist in lying, and intentionally seek to harm someone else in order to make my own life more comfortable, I deserve to be cut off from God for all eternity.

Stop lying.

Stop squashing people you can help.

Stop seeking comfort.

This is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.