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  • Your Brand Needs an Intervention Says David Brier

Your Brand Needs an Intervention Says David Brier

33 Steps to Build Your Brand

Click here to download the episode. 

Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast…

  • He has helped companies sell over one billion dollars following his strategies

  • Branding is more than

    • Stories

    • A logo

    • How your store looks

  • It’s the art of differentiation

  • We have a lot of choices

  • Know how to stand apart

  • Everything you do supports your differentiation

  • Be heard, be seen, be understood

  • Make your offering clear

  • Different is better than better

    • Stupid different is not better than better

    • Going head to head on features is not good enough

    • Open earlier

    • Give a foot massage

    • Open on weekends

    • Incremental changes are easy to respond to by your competitors

    • Apple gave colorful computers

    • Dyson made 5,000 prototypes and design to create see-through canisters to make other vacuums “old”

  •  We’re too close to our own businesses

  • You need a fresh perspective

  • You need a good story

  • We’re in a world of perception

  • Tell a meaningful story, get traction, hit on pain points

  • Speak to real people

  • Inferior products win if they have the better story

  • Make the customer the hero of the story

  • You need to toot your own horn

  • Be a rebel

  • Be careful of being too careful

  • Have conviction and convey it

  • You can take humility to the point of stupidity

  • As he codified his processes bigger growth came

  • Lowering your price on a premium product will kill you (See page 218)

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast