Your Body Is Doomed

From today’s reading…

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body doomed to death?” Romans 7:24

Who is coming to rescue you?

Are you worth rescuing?

Are you worth the effort?

The devil wants you to think no one is coming for you because you are not worthy.

The devil is a liar.

You believe the lie because, little by little, you’ve allowed yourself to stray, to wander, to become comfortable when you should be working towards fulfilling your calling.


Because fulfilling your calling takes daily effort, focus, and prayer. It’s work, whereas you can leverage one good excuse to justify a lifetime of rest. But will it be a life worth living?

And will you be welcomed to sit on God’s right or left as a result of wasting this body and life you’ve been given?

The Truth is Someone has already been sent to rescue you.

He has provided you the pathway to eternal rescue and earned rest.


Because you are worth rescuing. He has made you in His image.

All He wants you to do is earn your rest just like He did, which means you need to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.