You Will Get What You Deserve

From today’s reading…

Look, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay everyone as their deeds deserve.” Revelation 2:12

You better be right when you scream, “It’s just a clump of cells. Kill it!”

You better be right when you whisper, “Take these puberty blockers and cut off your genitalia so you can express yourself.”

You better be right when you left your children to be raised by their mother and the government.

You better be right when you handed your children over to nannies and daycares so you could rush back to work to “be fulfilled.”

You better be right when you skipped church to watch the big game.

You better be right when you cross the street to avoid looking that homeless person in your hometown in the eye, but make a public display about your donation to that smooth-talkin’ preacher man on TV who is (supposedly) digging wells in a village 7,000 miles away for people you won’t ever have to know, let alone see.

Our day is coming. In order to look forward to that day, we must help one another…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.