You Are Set Free From Sin

From today’s reading…

But, now you are set free from sin and bound to the service of God, your gain will be sanctification and the end will be eternal life.” Romans 6:22

Paul is reminding the Romans of their freedom, which is now their calling.

They must serve God as Jesus served God and as he is serving God.

Since he’s writing this from a jail cell, he knows his time is coming to an end, and so do the recipients of this letter.

But have times really changed that much?

Are you ready to stand up and serve God since He gave His only Son to set you free and give you eternal life?

It’s time to speak up, stand up, and speak out.

The world is watching. Your friends are watching. Your family is watching.

Show them all what it means to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.