Who, Me? What Did I Say?

From today’s reading…

‘You have said harsh things about me, says Yahweh. And yet you say, “What have we said against you?”’” Malachi 3:13

The thing about liars is they lie, and they know they are lying, and they know we know they are lying, yet they still lie because all that matters to them is that they win the argument and get their way.

This is a problem because the more these liars lie without being confronted, they tell bigger lies to advance bigger, more insidious agendas, and before you know it, you’re in the fight of your life.

Take Rachel Maddow (please…take her).

On 3/29/21, she said on her show with conviction and apparent sincerity, “Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person, potentially mutating and becoming more virulent and drug resistant along the way, now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.”

We know that is not the case.

We have always known that is not the case.

Many people look to Maddow for news, information, and insight. (They also look to her to confirm their wants, desires, and peccadilloes.)

After all, she’s smart, and we all know her people believe in science.

She’s a graduate of Stanford and obtained a doctorate in political science from Oxford.

These are impressive credentials, which means she is willfully and selectively ignorant, making her a liar.

She does not believe in science or the scientific method because she has an agenda.

She is bought and paid for by modern-day liars that Malachi warned us about.

But one day, she, and all the other liars will be held accountable.

“‘For look, the Day is coming, glowing like a furnace. All the proud and all the evil-doers will be the stubble, and the Day, when it comes, will set them ablaze, says Yahweh Sabaoth, leaving them neither root nor branch.’” Malachi 3:19

God does not want anyone turned to stubble or set ablaze.

We saw how He sent Jonah to save Ninevah in the last couple of days of readings.

In fact, the entire Old Testament is one long, repetitive story of us getting comfortable, lazy, and too big for our britches, which leads to our downfall and entrapment, then, once we learn our lesson, God sends a good shepherd to show us the error of our ways and to lead us out of slavery.

Once we are “safe,” we get fat, dumb, and lazy again, and the cycle repeats itself.

We’re approaching peak “fat, dumb, and lazy” right now.


For the first time in recorded history, more people suffer from obesity than malnutrition.

For the first time in recorded history, you can have all of your meals, groceries, clothing, appliances, furniture, and even alcohol and drugs dropped off at your doorstep without you ever having to leave your couch, let alone your house.

How do we right this ship?

How do we save ourselves?

Can we save ourselves?

I know we can at least participate in our own salvation.


Seek the voice crying out in the wilderness.

Listen to understand.

Seek the counsel of those with whom you do not normally associate.

Ask yourself why you’re so angry, short-fused, and hostile towards anyone and everyone who does not buy your form of information, science, government, and faith.

In other words, check yourself before you wreck yourself because continuing to lie about your lying is the worst way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.