We Don’t Listen To God

From today’s reading…

For Israel has this statute, a decision of the God of Jacob, a decree he imposed on Joseph, when he went to war against Egypt. I heard a voice unknown to me, ‘I freed his shoulder from the burden, his hands were able to lay aside the labourer’s basket. I, Yahweh, am your God, who brought you here from Egypt, you have only to open your mouth for me to fill it. ‘My people would not listen to me, Israel would have none of me.’”

Psalm 81:4-6, 10-11

Why do we bite the hand that feeds us?

Why do we forget those who came to our aid in our moment of need?

Why do we question those who came before us?

Why do we challenge those who give us good advice?

Why do we think we’re smarter than God?

Why do we get angry at God when troubles befall us after we ignore His advice?

The Israelites ignored the painful lessons of their ancestors for thousands of years. They ignored Jesus in Matthew 13:57 today. And we’re all still questioning God today.

Freely accepting the light burden from God and opening your mouth so He can feed you what you need is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.