Turn Away From Iniquity

From today’s reading…

Come back to the Most High, turn away from iniquity and hold all that is foul in abhorrence. Who is going to praise the Most High in Sheol if we do not glorify him while we are alive?” Sirach 17:26-27

It doesn’t get any clearer than that. Don’t call the good evil and the evil good.

Drag Queen Story Hour is terrible.

Mooching off the government is bad.

Supporting sycophants in government who steal our tax dollars to fund the killing of babies so those baby killers can then donate to their reelections is horrible.

Iniquity is immoral or grossly unfair behavior.

You know what that is, just like you know what is foul.

Turn from that lifestyle and activities, because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.