To Live Better, Speak Better

From today’s reading…

Next, I shall remind you of the works of the Lord, and tell of what I have seen. By the words of the Lord his works come into being and all creation obeys his will.” Sirach 42:15

“Next, I shall remind you of the works of the Lord, and tell of what I have seen. By the words of the Lord his works come into being and all creation obeys his will.” Sirach 42:15

You and I were made in God’s image. Like God, we have the power to speak worlds into existence.

In fact, everything we have—including the things we don’t want—we brought into our lives by thinking of them, speaking of them, and acting in such a way to bring them into being.

The problem is, most of what we speak is bad, unproductive, and harmful due to our stinkin’ thinkin’.

So if you want a better life, speak better words. If you want to speak better words, have better thoughts.

If you want better thoughts, fill your mind with better ideas. To find the best ideas, allow God into your life, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.