Think or Be Torn Apart

From today’s reading…

‘Think it out, you who forget God, or I will tear you apart without hope of a rescuer. Honour to me is a sacrifice of thanksgiving; to the upright I will show God’s salvation.’” Psalm 50:22-23

Asaph was a singer and musician during the time of David and Solomon. He was a prophet in his own right, which is why we come to read him today as the author of Psalm 50.

He has a stern, clear, and frightful warning for his people, who are called “wicked” (v16), friends of thieves and adulterers (v18), liars (v19), and slanderers of brothers (v20).

In other words, they are worse than Alabama fans and almost as bad as people who don’t put butter, salt, and pepper on their grits. (You do eat grits, right? RIGHT?)

Asaph knows how his people act, and he shares God’s message with them, despite the risk to his own way of life and even his life.

It’s never easy to warn the status quo loudly, but warn we must, since it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.