They Did Not Recognize Jesus

From today’s reading…

He said to them, ‘What are all these things that you are discussing as you walk along?’ They stopped, their faces downcast.” Luke 24:17

Yesterday it was Mary Magdala who did not recognize Jesus.

Today it’s two men.

We’re so blinded when we’re worried, lacking in faith, no hope, no optimism.

When we’re blind and don’t have a spring in our step, we’re easy to catch by the devil, and when we’re caught, we’re easy to be defeated.

Lift up your head, lift up your eyes, lift up your voice, pick yourself up, pick up your feet, and keep on keepin’ on.

Jesus has risen.

He has given us His body.

He has given us His blood.

He has given us His Spirit.

Now we must take all He has given us and use it to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.