They Did Not Listen

From today’s reading…

But they did not listen, they did not pay attention; they followed their own devices, their own stubborn and wicked inclinations, and got worse rather than better.” Jeremiah 7:24

How’s that “just do what makes you happy” and “love is love” working out for everyone?

How about the income tax or social security or the Federal Reserve or the government redefining money?

How are our endless wars and the IRS and the EPA and the CDC going?

How’s the transgender movement making the world a better place, or no-fault divorce or unrestricted abortion on demand, including late-term abortion?

We’re not wiser than Jeremiah and his peers.

In fact, because of our willful ignorance of the bountiful free information we have today, we are the biggest ignoramuses that have ever walked the earth.

Heed the warning of God passed down through Jeremiah.

It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.