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  • Their Zeal Made The Guards Behave

Their Zeal Made The Guards Behave

From today’s reading…

The captain went with his men and fetched them — though not by force, for they were afraid that the people might stone them.” Acts 5:26

Ahh, the excitement and joy and vitality of starting something new.

The early Christians were so alive and on fire for the Lord that the security forces of the day behaved themselves.

Compare that to the news that just broke that the FBI and DOJ, under “Devout Catholic” President Joe Biden, have been infiltrating the Catholic Church and prosecuting members of the Catholic faith.

It’s time to reignite that fire for our faith. Government parasites and bureaucratic bullies need to live up to the “public servant” trope they spew to anyone who is listening and start serving the public instead of themselves.

No church, school, or business should’ve been shut down during the government-funded, government-created pandemic.

No church, church leader, or church member should be threatened with closure, fines, or imprisonment for calling out the sins and crimes of our “public servants.”

No member of the police or military should ever feel comfortable following orders from their “leaders” to infiltrate, attack, or imprison houses of faith without a mountain of evidence that evil things are happening there.

Fire up your zeal and make the guards behave, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.