The World Is Wrong About Sin

From today’s reading…

And when he comes, he will show the world how wrong it was, about sin, and about who was in the right, and about judgement:” John 16:8

Who is singing your praises and announcing your arrival?

Jesus had John the Baptist, and the Holy Spirit has Jesus.

The bigger your message, the bigger the advance work needs to be, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit have a big message for us.

Too bad we don’t listen.

Actually, we do listen…to ourselves…to the smooth-talkin’ preacher man in the nice suit with the soothing voice and the pleasant message that guarantees us prosperity is just around the corner…to the fallen who don’t want to be alone because misery loves company…to anyone who will tell us what we want to hear because it’s more comfortable to do the expedient wrong than the hard right.

Sin exists.

Even atheists know it because you hear them scream, “THAT’S NOT RIGHT!”

If there is no ultimate and absolute right and wrong—no ultimate judge—how can anything be right or wrong?

Admit there is sin in the world.

Understand its ramifications, i.e., spending eternity without God.

Now commit to allowing the Holy Spirit into your life so it will lead you to a loving community of fellow believers who want to work together to help us all…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.