The Upright Will Shine

From today’s reading…

At their time of visitation, they will shine out; as sparks run through the stubble, so will they.” Wisdom 3:7

Today we commemorate the faithful departed with readings from Psalm 23, Romans 6, and John 6, but we start off with the wise words from Wisdom, which reminds us of our eternal soul, of our destination to be “in the hands of God” (v1), but we must be “upright” (v1).

If we live and die in an upright manner, we’ll be “at peace” (v3) because we have passed God’s test, “like gold in a furnace” (v6).

Then it will be your time to shine, for all eternity, with God.

So Keep your “trust in him” (v9) to “understand the truth (v9), which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.