The Trance of Abram

From today’s reading…

Now, as the sun was on the point of setting, a trance fell on Abram, and a deep dark dread descended on him. When the sun had set and it was dark, there appeared a smoking firepot and a flaming torch passing between the animals’ pieces. That day Yahweh made a covenant with Abram in these terms: ‘To your descendants I give this country, from the River of Egypt to the Great River, the River Euphrates,…’” Genesis 15:12, 17-18

Abram has been interacting directly with God for several chapters, yet he’s still filled with dread or darkness as God makes Himself known in today’s reading.


I don’t know for sure, but I know that with a promotion or a familial change, i.e., getting married, having a child, helping a child plot their career path, etc., the overwhelming sense of duty and responsibility that accompanies that change can seem daunting.

I’m sure Abram knew something big was happening, and he was probably worried or concerned that he might not be worthy of what was coming his way.

Then it happened.

God gave him the sign for which he asked. God presents Himself in the form of “a smoking fireboat and a flaming torch.”

But God doesn’t just snap His fingers and make them appear.

He passes them between the halves of the animals Abram had slaughtered and dissected, per God’s instructions.

The symbolism is profound.

The fire gives light, but it also consumes.

The fire gives warmth but also purifies.

The firepot was used for warmth as well as cooking in the days of Abram, but its smoke could symbolize destruction, which would come to the descendants of Abram many times in the centuries to come.

Also, note that Abram does not pass through the halves; instead, the symbols of God do, thereby indicating Bod binding Himself to us in His covenant.

Abram had asked for a sign, so God passing through the halves was a well-known ritualistic binding act at the time.

So much depth and meaning in just three verses, huh?

You could spend the rest of your life studying this one chapter of Genesis and still find new reasons to be in awe of God daily.

But there are many more ways God makes Himself known to us.

He has chosen to reveal Himself to each of us at the time and manner that is best for us.

All we must do is remain open to His guidance and instruction, which means we must…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.