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  • The Sales Podcast #100: How The Sales Whisperer® Came To Be

The Sales Podcast #100: How The Sales Whisperer® Came To Be

About Today’s Guest on The Sales Podcast

Today I change up the music and give you a behind-the-scenes look at how The Sales Whisperer® came to be. It was not a “grow-to-the-sky” journey by any stretch of the imagination.

Laid off three times in two years—twice on my birthday! On unemployment when two of my kids were born.

Lost well over $100,000 on various “investments” with “friends.”

Audited by the IRS and California Board of Equalization because of those “friends” and left holding the bag. But I’m still here and growing by helping you grow.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Sales Tips

  • See how the military prepared me for entrepreneurship.

  • Should you write a book?

  • Be bold. Move fast. Break _____.

  • How to take your employer to arbitration and win.

  • How to support a family of 9 (plus a big a$$ dog) on one income.

Write a book NOW to grow your sales!”

Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast