The Parable of Places of Honor

From today’s reading…

He then told the guests a parable, because he had noticed how they picked the places of honour. He said this,…” Luke 14:7

Jesus knew how to sell because teaching is selling.

Teachers must capture and keep the attention of those around them and convey the message to impart their wisdom and create the desired change in them.

Jesus knew that facts tell and stories sell, so He was always telling stories His listeners could relate to, and He used simple words, phrases, and images to do so. In other words, He met them where they were. He adopted His style to match His audience.

His lessons were impactful because they were timely.

He didn’t tell the parable of the mustard seed at this dinner party.

He told a parable about a dinner party at a dinner party, and you know it hit home with everyone there because everyone saw at least one person get bumped down from the seat they arrogantly and incorrectly chose for themselves.

To get ahead in this life and the next, stay humble and learn to tell a good story, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.