The Origin of Fake News

From today’s reading…

So they spread discouraging reports…

At this, the whole community broke out with loud cries,

and even in the night the people wailed.”

At first I thought they were talking about Fox News and MSNBC!

Apparently society has been dealing with fake news for thousands of years.

Be careful what you allow into your mind.

Garbage in equals garbage out.Worry in equals worry out.Lies in equals lies out.Love in equals love out.

Control your surroundings, your environment, your “friends,” and your temptations.

Watch your thoughts; they become your words.Watch your words; they become your actions.Watch your actions; they become your habits.Watch your habits; they become your character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Today, unfollow, unfriend, and unsubscribe from 10 people and sources of gossip, anxiety, and stress.

Tomorrow, do it again.

Continue unfollowing, unfriending, and unsubscribing until you have extra time on your hands. Until you find yourself bored with your usual routine.

That’s how you “find time” to do something more productive with your life. Maybe you get 30 minutes more sleep.

Maybe you get 30 minutes more exercise.Maybe you blog for 30 minutes more.Maybe you read for 30 minutes more.

Did you know that the average non-fiction book is 50,000 words and the average reading speed for an adult is 200 words per minute?

In 30 minutes you could read 6,000 words.In 8 ⅓ days you could read a book in your area of interest.In one year you could read 44 books.In five years you could read 220 books.

Where would you be now if you spent 30 less minutes per day on fake news and gossip and spent that time reading 220 books on business, relationships, communication, prayer starting in 2012?

What if you only read 110 books in five years but read them all twice and really internalized the lessons?

I bet you wouldn’t be wailing at night. And I bet you could help many others stop wailing at night as well.

Today you get to choose to be misguided and lead astray or to control your input and choose your own course.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.