The Kingdom of God is Near

From today’s reading…

And he told them a parable, ‘Look at the fig tree and indeed every tree. As soon as you see them bud, you can see for yourselves that summer is now near. So with you when you see these things happening: know that the kingdom of God is near.’” Luke 21:29-31

On January 26, 2018, 364 days after beginning my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey, we had a guest instructor from Chicago teach a class, and one of the black belts in my school stated, “Wow! I’ve never seen that.”

I didn’t say anything, but the rush of emotions, thoughts, and feelings that flooded my newbie’s brain was almost overwhelming.

Still being new to this martial art, I figured by the time someone was a black belt, they “knew everything.”

Hearing this guy who could beat me in literally 10-15 seconds say he just learned something new made me realize that mastery was both close at hand, i.e., I could train with experts every day, and with consistent training, I, too, would be considered an expert in 8-10 more years, but it was also a lifelong journey.

Luke 21 conveys a similar message with the added twist that God, as the Creator of time itself, has a different timeline than you and me.

So, on the one hand, ignore those who try to deceive you by telling you they know everything and that “The time is near at hand” (v8), while on the other, realize that God is always near.

His kingdom is near because everything is His kingdom, and to remain in His kingdom for eternity, we must bear good fruit, which can only be done if we…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.