The Father Bestows His Love

From today’s reading…

“See what love the Father has bestowed on us

that we may be called the children of God.”

When things get hectic in a game the coach calls a time out to settle the players. To encourage them. To restore their confidence. To remind them of their training and get them back to the basics.

It’s much easier to win a sporting event when your fundamentals are strong.

It’s much easier to build a skyscraper when you first dig deep to give it a strong foundation.

Family is our foundation as individuals and as a society.

And having a strong father who provides and protects is vital to having a strong family.

It’s from the father that you get “the family name” that you must either shake off or live up to.

If the father is a drunk and a bum, the family does all they can to “rise above” his example.

If the father is a business success, the family does all they can to “follow in his footsteps.”

If the father is a true success, his family knows they are loved.

They know they are loved when they score the winning touchdown.

They know they are loved when they throw the losing interception.

They know they are loved when they get straight A’s.

They know they are loved when they are put on academic probation.

They know they are loved when they make a million dollars.

They know they are loved when they file bankruptcy.

A good father sets a high standard for his children and holds them to it because we are all capable of more and he reminds them of their abilities.

A better father sets an example for his children by loving them and their mother in sickness and in health.

A great father sets an example for his family by loving God.

And loving God is the best way to…

Stay the course.

Keep the faith.
