The Bonus Of Giving

From today’s reading…

…and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. …for God loves a cheerful giver.”

I know what you’re thinking:

“But Wes, I give and I give and I just get taken advantage of. I find myself surrounded by moochers. I don’t know if I can give any more.”

You can only give from your excess.

To give bountifully you must reap bountifully, which means you must first sow bountifully.

In other words, put your oxygen mask on first.

You must take care of yourself so you are able to give of yourself.

To take care of yourself may require you to withdraw to an isolated place where you are only with your small circle of trusted friends.

You may even need some alone time for like, ahhh, I don’t know…40 days maybe. (Where have we heard of this before, hmmm?)

It’s not only okay but it’s normal and expected that you take a little “me” time to recharge to remain the best version of yourself.

Sowing is hard work.Reaping is hard work.Giving can be hard work.Doing any of them as a sourpuss negates most of the benefit.

So whistle while you work.Smile as you give.And give to yourself the gift of a day off…assuming, of course, you worked hard enough to need a break.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.