Terminate Terror With Touch

From today’s reading…

But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Rise, and do not be afraid.’”

The positive power of touch.The negative power of fear.

Whose life have you touched lately?

When was the last time you gave someone a hug, or wrote them a letter, or called someone just to say “hey”?

What False Evidence Appearing Real are you allowing to hold you back from reaching out?From touching? From hugging? From writing?

You’re playing too small.You’re withholding too much.

It’s time to stand up so you can see who you can lift up because most of those around you only know fear.

And because their heads are down so is their vision and their hope.

That’s why you have to stand up, seek the fearful, go to them, touch them, and let them know there is nothing to fear.

Are you afraid thinking of this? Good.

So if you know someone who needs help about small business consulting services, show them you care.

Ask them to contact us now and we’ll be happy to help.

All the more reason to get started now because everything good in life is just on the other side of fear.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.