Suffer To Be Worthy

From today’s reading…

It all shows that God’s judgement is just, so that you may be found worthy of the kingdom of God; it is for the sake of this that you are suffering now.” 2 Thessalonians 1:5

Paul had heaps of praise and encouragement for the followers of The Way in Thessalonica because their faith and endurance were strong in the face of their persecution by both the Romans and Paul’s (Saul’s) former peers.

That means these early Thessalonians were some of the first and best imitators of Christ.

They were persecuted and attacked and even killed for their faith, yet they never wavered.

Note that Paul does not give them “life hacks” or “faith hacks” or shortcuts or ways to escape their persecution and suffering because that would not be Christlike.


Instead, he helps provide meaning to their suffering because he knew then, as men like Viktor Frankl learned later, that when our why is big enough, we can endure any how. Make the kingdom of God your why, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.