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  • Steve Clark, New School Selling, Created 660% Income Growth In 3 Years

Steve Clark, New School Selling, Created 660% Income Growth In 3 Years

Steve is a scrapper and an over-comer.

Early in his sales career he struggled financially, was dead broke, had his water cut off for lack of payment, was almost bankrupt and has been sued by a competitor who tried to put him out of business. But he has always “reloaded and fired again” no matter the struggle or no matter the circumstance. Perhaps his great asset is that he doesn’t know the word quit.

Greatest Sales Success

  • He put together a sales process and went from earning $53,000 a year to $350,000+ in three years.

What Are You Doing Daily To Grow?

  • There are no silver bullets.

  • There is nothing new.

  • You have to be out there in the marketplace everywhere.

  • People need to see you.

  • Steve suggests people need to write more. Write a book.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip

  • Follow his Dad’s advice,…

For God’s sake, son, do something, even if it’s wrong.”

Steve’s Dad
  • Momentum creates energy. “It’s very difficult to steer a parked car.”

  • If you want a pipeline full of leads you must do 6-10 marketing activities every month.

What Are You Reading Now?

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast