Speak Out Fearlessly

From today’s reading…

He began by going to the synagogue, where he spoke out fearlessly and argued persuasively about the kingdom of God. He did this for three months,…” (Acts 19:8)

Paul and all of the Apostles were brave men.

They weren’t guerrilla fighters or snipers.

They stood tall in the most prominent places in the most important cities and spoke the truth.

Imagine going to Market Street in San Francisco and climbing on top of a bus stop wearing an NRA hat and a “Let’s Go, Brandon!” t-shirt, busting out a bullhorn, and you start preaching on such topics as:

  • there are only two genders

  • parents shouldn’t take their kids to drag queen shows

  • we shouldn’t encourage 11-year-olds to twerk for adults

  • and taxation is theft…

Now imagine doing that for three months straight!

That’s what Paul did.

That’s why we’re still reading about him 2,000 years later.

Learn from Paul’s example.

Be fearless.

Argue persuasively.

Tell everyone about the kingdom of God, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.