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  • So Many Encouraging But Not Useful Tips

So Many Encouraging But Not Useful Tips

“Don’t Take Any Wooden Nickels.” (So Many Encouraging But Not Useful Tips)

Sales Tips you’ll learn in this episode…

  • If sayings like this are worth paying attention to:

    • Carpe diem.

    • Work/life balance.

    • Take time for yourself.

    • Failure is not an option.

    • Don’t take “no” for an answer.

    • Knowledge is power.

    • Why do we feel safe under blankets? It’s not like a murderer will come in thinking “I’m gonna kill—ahh, rats! They are under a blanket.”

    • Just be yourself. (Sometimes the world needs a bigger version than your current you.)

  • The importance of considering the source when listening to one’s advice.

    • One “guru’s” mantra is “Fat, gay and broke.” Does that inspire you? How much doe you have in common with that guru?

    • “Your inspirational quotes have inspired me to unfriend you.”

  • You’ll also hear some of my favorites such as:

    • Borrow money from pessimists. They don’t expect it back.

    • The Early Bird Gets the Worm, but the Second Mouse Gets the Cheese.

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