Slow Down. Honor The Sabbath.

From today’s reading…

…you who say, ‘When will New Moon be over so that we can sell our corn, and Sabbath, so that we can market our wheat? Then, we can make the bushel-measure smaller and the shekel-weight bigger, by fraudulently tampering with the scales.’” Amos 8:5

Since men have conducted commerce, there have been those who only paid lip service to honoring the Sabbath.

They’d rush through the day, eager to get back to the business of robbing and cheating their neighbors.

God made the Sabbath for you and me, and He made you and me for the Sabbath.

You wouldn’t run your best horse until it dropped dead.

You wouldn’t redline your favorite car from point A to point B until it exploded.

Rest is vital to growth, and our spiritual growth is the most critical growth in our lives.

Your business will be there Monday.

This Sunday, rest.

Ditto for the following Sunday.

And every one after that.

Rest and praise the Lord on Sunday since it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.