Sing For Your Supper

From today’s reading…

In the Lord Jesus Christ, we urge and call on people of this kind to go on quietly working and earning the food that they eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:12

Lots of tough love today:

  • Work or you don’t eat (v10)

  • “All the proud and all the evil-doers will be stubble” (Malachi 3:19b)

  • Wars and revolutions…nations fighting against nations…earthquakes, plagues, famines…persecution…imprisonment…betrayal…death…hatred are headed our way for those who persevere in the Lord. (Luke 21:5-19)

If you want to live like Jesus, prepare for pain, suffering, and loss, exactly as He experienced.

Jesus never promised to end our trials and sufferings, He simply promised to give them meaning, and understanding that meaning is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.