Show Your Strength and Prevail

From today’s reading…

He said, ‘No longer are you to be called Jacob, but Israel since you have shown your strength against God and men and have prevailed.’”

Genesis 32:29

Jacob is a manipulative liar.

He tricked his father and stole the blessing that was meant for his older brother, Esau.

Jacob is then tricked into marrying the “wrong” daughter, Leah, which resulted in him working as an indentured servant for 14 years to marry Rachel.

After 14 years of that family drama, he packs his bags and heads off to fulfill his dreams, only to have Rachel lie about stealing from Laban.

As he sends forth his family with gifts to his brother, Esau is ambushed and fights for hours with this man/angel/God Himself.

It seems God was testing Jacob.

Maybe He wanted to see if Jacob was up to the challenge of his true calling.

Perhaps this was an act of purification via struggle and effort to prove he was worthy.

Maybe God wanted to see Jacob’s heart to ensure he would not give up easily.

Maybe Jacob needed a true blessing vs. a stolen blessing to validate his calling and position in his new land.

Well, the man/angel/God gave Jacob the blessing he asked for because, despite injuring his hip in the battle, Jacob stayed in the fight. (Note: wrestling with God—or even His messengers—is not for the faint of heart, so expect some harm to come your way when you resist.)

Along with the blessing, Jacob also received a new name, Israel, to represent his new calling, which he embraced, with a limp, as the new day began.

Stop fighting God.

Seek His blessing.

Repent of your past sins. Embrace the new you and, despite your scars and battle wounds,…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.