• Fixer Wes
  • Posts
  • Sharecroppers, Stepchildren, Ugly Ducks, and Jeff Sexton

Sharecroppers, Stepchildren, Ugly Ducks, and Jeff Sexton

How to reach people that don’t want to be sold

Click here to download the episode. 

Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Are you a farmer or a hunter?

  • Video views drop-off in the first 7 to 30 seconds

  • People think the technology will do the work for them

  • Technology + no sales system = frustration then failure

  • Ryan Deiss

    • Discovery content (Streaming is usually not great for this)

    • Community content (Streaming can be great here)

  • Email marketing is the red-headed stepchild of marketing

You’re a sharecropper on social media.”

  • Radio in the B2B space may not be the ideal medium for you

  • Targeted media can help with branding to get you on the shortlist in B2B

  • Radio is great for ugly-duck businesses

  • Gary Vaynerchuk had success on social media discussing wine

  • You need to be entertaining to deliver a message 

  • “The plan is nothing but the plan is everything.” Eisenhower

  • If you wait until they need what you sell you have a credibility problem because they know you are trying to sell them.

  • The short list…intuitive and reputation

  • Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice

  • Starting to put systems in place and scale

  • May take 6-12 months to build name recognition

  • “Advertising is a tax for businesses that are unremarkable.” Seth Godin

  • “Strong brands make for weak salespeople.”

  • “Marketing is just selling in print.” Claude Hopkins

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast