Shake Off The Dust

From today’s reading…

And he said to them, ‘If you enter a house anywhere, stay there until you leave the district. And if any place does not welcome you and people refuse to listen to you, as you walk away shake off the dust under your feet as evidence to them.’” Mark 6:10-11

We are not called to force-feed the Good News to anyone.

We are called—instructed—to pull our weight, to lead by example, to instruct, guide, inspire, and teach.

But we are not to berate, nag, cajole, or annoy.

We are not to badger one into believing, pester into piety, or irritate to congregate.

We are to love and to heal. We are to rebuke, but not judge.

We are to spread the Good News to the four corners of the globe primarily by example.

In other words, we are to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.