Sarah Laughed and Lied

From today’s reading…

Sarah said, ‘I did not laugh,’ lying because she was afraid. But he replied, ‘Oh yes, you did laugh.’” Genesis 18:15

Two women engage directly with the Lord in Genesis.

Eve broke her promise to God but was honest when confronted about her actions, and we’ve all paid the price ever since.

Meanwhile, Sarah lied about laughing (scoffing?) at the prophecy of the Lord, yet she was still able to experience “pleasure” (v12) and conceive in her advanced years.

What gives?

Is it better to lie to God than to disobey Him?

Why did Sarah lie?

Why is she called out on this for all the world to read about forever?

My short answer is, heck if I know! I’m just a tired, achy, mediocre Jiu-Jitsu father of seven trying to make his way in the world while attempting to read his wife’s mind—and still getting it wrong after 26 years.

But I have been studying the Bible for many years, and I have some knowledgeable friends in high places who still reply to my texts and Facebook messages when I can’t make heads or tails out of the daily readings, so here goes…

Sarah has a special place in the Bible.

While Eve spoke directly to God, she had Adam at her side for support while Sarah was alone in the tent with God.

Additionally, Sarah—Sarai—is the only woman to have her name changed in the Bible, which is significant.

Finally, Sarah had endured a lot of pain and ridicule in her barren lifetime up to this point. She probably didn’t know she was dealing directly with God.

Her laugh was not boisterous or challenging or even public.

She “laughed to herself,” which makes sense considering she didn’t know these three travelers from Adam and had just spent several hours preparing food for them.

So when she is confronted, she was most likely shocked that this foreigner, this stranger, literally read her mind, then just walked away.

Then it was documented for all mankind to read for the next several thousand years.

So don’t think you can lie—and lie to God—and get away with it as nothing happened.

But do take comfort that God doesn’t want to punish you or cause undue suffering, but He does want you to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.