Risk Your Life For God

From today’s reading…

My greetings to Prisca and Aquila, my fellow-workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their own necks to save my life; to them, thanks not only from me, but from all the churches among the gentiles;” Romans 16:3-4

When you read the Passion in the Gospels, Romans today, and other stories of conflict, such as those in Nazi Germany and today’s fight over COVID jab mandates, flip the script and imagine yourself as being part of the weak majority, which, history and statistics prove, you would be…and probably are.

The majority of “good, faithful” Jews yelled “Crucify Him!” when Pontius Pilate offered to release Jesus.

It took Hitler 12 years to become Chancellor of Germany.

Immediately upon his appointment, he took advantage of a manufactured crisis to convince the president to declare a national emergency and suspend most of the critical civil liberties of the nation, including freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and the right to assemble in public.

Local powers were abdicated to the national regime, and police were authorized to detain citizens without cause. (Sound familiar?)

The Nazi party had 43.9% of the vote and persuaded all non-socialist parties to back his power play on March 23, 1933, to give him dictatorial powers.

And as of yesterday, according to the Mayo Clinic, 58.7% of Americans are “fully vaccinated” (does that include the booster, the second booster, the 15th booster…) while 67.6% have received at least one shot, which proves that you would be on the wrong side of most of the pivotal moments and causes throughout history.

Let that thought linger for a moment and find purchase in your brain…then your heart…then your soul.

Now ask yourself if you really would have “risked your neck” for Paul or Tertius or Jesus. (Hint: if you won’t risk upsetting some so-called friends or risk getting a three or seven or 30-day or permanent ban on Facebook, would you really risk your life for speaking the Truth?)

It’s understandable to seek comfort and safety in numbers.

It’s normal and natural to go with the flow.

Herd mentality is a proven concept that can keep you alive when predators lurk in every shadow and valley.

The trend is your friend, as they say in the investing world.

That is until it’s not.

Well, today, it’s not.

Every minute of every day in America, 1.666 babies are ripped from their mother’s womb, and we get to pay for it with our tax dollars.

Our children are willingly exposed to devils in drag at libraries, and again we get to pay for it with our tax dollars.

We’re on day 615 of “15 days to flatten the curve,” which has led to “no jab, no job” and “thinkers” like Noam Chomsky are proudly and boldly encouraging illegal immigrants be given homes, food, and money while isolating the unvaccinated and leaving them to fend for themselves for the basics of life, including food.

As I said, the trend is not your friend right now. To risk your neck, you must grow a spine, which is easy to do if you walk the talk.

You say you love Jesus.

You say you are a believer.

You say, “Oh, I’m different. I would’ve stood up to Hitler and the brown shirts and the storm troopers. I would’ve fought to free slaves. I would’ve followed Jesus to Golgotha. I would’ve been stronger than Peter. I would not have denied Jesus once, let alone three times.”

Prove it.


Right now.

Your world, your country, your family needs you to visibly, proudly, and boldly,…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.