Remove The Millstone

From today’s reading…

‘But anyone who is the downfall of one of these little ones who have faith, would be better thrown into the sea with a great millstone hung round his neck.’” Mark 9:42

How often do you consider the impact your words, actions, and attire have on others?

How about those selfies and antagonistic memes?

Are you always leading everyone who sees you to God with how you conduct yourself?

If not, are you doing it intentionally?

Have you allowed bad habits to become the norm?

Do you not even give this any thought because you’ve allowed, ya know, YOLO and FOMO and whatever else society tells us are cool today to become your default standard?

Do people say, “If you didn’t have low standards, you wouldn’t have any at all” about you?

I hope not. If so, it’s time to repent, make amends, and course-correct, because you’ll literally have hell to pay if you do not…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.