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  • Pipedrive CRM on The CRM Sushi Podcast

Pipedrive CRM on The CRM Sushi Podcast


Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

What You’ll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast

  • Have a CRM that your salespeople want to use and are not nagged to use and update that actually helps them sell

  • First CRM made by salespeople for salespeople

  • Customizable pipeline stages

  • Integrates with e-commerce

  • Integrates with quoting tools

  • Can be used as a project management tool

  • Can create multiple pipelines by vertical or industry

  • Integrate email with Gmail, Outlook, POP, IMAP

    • Build templates and email sequences

    • Track opens and clicks

    • Scheduling

  • Progress

    • Dashboard

    • Reports

    • Goals

  • Import contacts via CSV

  • Great on-boarding

  • No fee if you need help and you meet certain requirements

  • 10 years in business with no big prices increases

  • Not an email marketing tool, per se, but it does integrate with ESPs

  • Use an integration for round robin lead assignment

  • Great mobile app

  • Chat and phone support

Watch Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast

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