Observe His Laws and Customs

From today’s reading…

‘Yahweh your God commands you today to observe these laws and customs; you must keep and observe them with all your heart and with all your soul.’” Deuteronomy 26:16

The “spiritual but not religious” and atheist types will tell you that Christianity is stifling, antiquated, patriarchal, and the opioid of the masses. (These people love anything the loving, kind, and benevolent Karl Marx uttered. How did things work out for those living under government dictators who followed his ideas, hmmm? But I digress.)

The reality is rules of engagement are freeing.

G.K. Chesterton penned, “We might fancy some children playing on the flat grassy top of some tall island in the sea. So long as there was a wall round the cliff’s edge they could fling themselves into every frantic game and make the place the noisiest of nurseries. But the walls were knocked down, leaving the naked peril of the precipice. They did not fall over; but when their friends returned to them they were all huddled in terror in the centre of the island; and their song had ceased.”

Walls can be freeing.

Games are worth playing—can only be played—when the rules are well-defined.

So it is with life, which includes your eternal life.

Obey God’s laws and customs, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.