Obey With Your Whole Heart

From today’s reading…

Once you were slaves of sin, but thank God you have given whole-hearted obedience to the pattern of teaching to which you were introduced; and so, being freed from serving sin, you took uprightness as your master.” Romans 6:17-18

Obedience is an interesting word. It’s a misunderstood word today.

It’s a word shunned more often than admired because we are falling victim to the say wayward, arrogant, thankless attitudes that befell the Israelites many times in the Old Testament.

It did not end well for them each time they stopped obeying.

Good thing for them—and us—that God is patient, loving, and merciful.

But He is also just, which is why we must repent and make amends for our missteps, our rebelling, our disobedience.

Obeying God does not make you weak or silly or stupid any more than following the maintenance guidelines on your car does. You’re wise to rotate your tires, put in good fuel, change the oil and filters regularly, and tune up your car before it starts acting up and breaks down on you.

If you want to be a slave to walking or Uber, disobey what your car’s manufacturer recommends.

If you want to be a slave to sin, disobey God.

But you’re smarter than that. You know that being upright and obeying God is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.