My Flesh Is Real Food

From today’s reading…

For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.” John 6:55

The Jews “(argued) among themselves” (v52) because they understood what Jesus said and they did not believe Him.

Jesus said what He meant, and He meant what He said, which is why the Jews were upset and confused.

Jesus did not say, “Hey, get ya some Capri Suns and some Ritz crackers and pretend it’s my flesh and blood. Pass them out in some plastic cups. Maybe take ‘em back to the pew or even take ‘em home with you and let the dog hop up on the counter and eat it. It doesn’t matter. It’s just sugar water and a cracker.”


Jesus said, “gnaw on my flesh and drink my blood,” which Jews did as part of their weekly and annual ritualistic sacrifices.

They ate the flesh of the animals they sacrificed.

They drained them of their blood, first, and spread it over the doors of their homes.

These acts were sacred.

They were meaningful.

They symbolized and centered their faith, which Jesus had practiced and knew well.

He also knew those sacrifices were insufficient.

Therefore they were temporary.

Jesus knew His sacrifice was sufficient and eternal, which is why He gave Himself freely.

He wanted a visible, familiar, tangible sign to help us…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.