Mercy Is What Pleases God

From today’s reading…

‘And if you had understood the meaning of the words: Mercy is what pleases me, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the blameless.’” Matthew 12:7

Some people are only happy if everyone is unhappy. That’s true of the Pharisees in verse two today. They followed Jesus not to learn from Him but to catch Him breaking any law. It would be like a traffic cop following you through the city, waiting for you not to use your blinker or drive one MPH over the speed limit so he can light you up. (“Serve and protect?” Ha. Tell it to the judge. Traffic cops only exist to jam you up. But I digress.)

Jesus reminds the Pharisees of what they already knew but chose to overlook in the recounting of how David and his followers ate the loaves that were offered to God when they were hungry.

While God has no problem dishing out justice, He prefers mercy.

However, there is no mercy without justice.

However, the mercy you show will determine the justice God gives you.

So be kind. Rewind. (I couldn’t help myself. I know it ages me. Sue me.)

Just be kind, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.