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Master Virtual Summits With Liam Austin

Launch Your Virtual Summit In 90 Days 

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Liam Austin, owner of Entrepreneurs HQ, discusses the power of virtual summits as an effective marketing tactic.

They are online conferences that bring together experts in a specific niche to teach attendees how to generate leads and sales online.

Virtual summits can be successful in any industry, and they provide a way for people worldwide to access expert knowledge without the need for expensive travel.

We get into the monetization strategies for virtual summits, including selling all-access passes, upselling to higher-priced programs, and forming affiliate partnerships with speakers.

00:00 Introduction and Background
04:49 The Concept of Virtual Summits
07:12 Success and Results of Virtual Summits
12:05 Frequency and Preparation of Virtual Summits
15:22 Turning Summits Evergreen and Monetization
23:03 Virtual Summits in Any Industry
24:32 The All-Access Pass and Additional Content
28:45 Partnerships and Revenue Sharing
32:35 Conclusion and Virtual Summit Academy

  • Over 100,000 have joined his email list in three years

  • 65-80% opt-in rate

  • Any industry can benefit from a virtual summit launch