Make a Place For God

From today’s reading…

[Song of Ascents] Yahweh, remember David and all the hardships he endured, the oath he swore to Yahweh, his vow to the Mighty One of Jacob: ‘I will not enter tent or house, will not climb into bed, will not allow myself to sleep, not even to close my eyes, till I have found a place for Yahweh, a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob!’” Psalm 132:1-5

It’s always entertaining when I hear people say,

  • “I’m spiritual but not religious.”

  • “Jesus is not just in a church building.”

  • “I have my own personal relationship with Jesus.”

But in the next breath, they say,

  • “I can’t work from home. I need the energy of the office to do my best work.”

  • “I have a special room in my house just for (exercising, yoga, meditation, work).”

  • “Company off-sites are critical. We need to get the team away from the distractions of the office to get into a better state of mind so we can connect, relax, and get the creative juices flowing to tackle the biggest problems we’re facing.”

From the beginning, God has carved out special areas away from the noise and the chaos of the world so we can connect with Him.

Every great leader in the Bible built altars/temples to God and/or honored God by keeping holy the Sabbath by visiting these sacred places as a community to hear and discuss the Word of God to discern His will.

Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple as an infant.

They found Him in the Temple as a child.

He drove the money changers out of the Temple as an adult, and He was constantly stumping and amazing the Jewish scribes and elders of the day in the Temple.

So be like David, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, and get to church for your daily bread, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.