Love God Simply

From today’s reading…

Love uprightness you who are rulers on earth, be properly disposed towards the Lord and seek him in simplicity of heart;” Wisdom 1:1

At some point in a ruler’s progression, most seem to forget what uprightness and simplicity are. (Based on the testimony of these so-called rulers in front of Congress over the last several decades, they seem to “not recall” pretty much everything. Is that a hazard or a perk of the position? Ahhh…I digress.)

Heck, the way they also defend, fund, and even promote abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQQIP2SAAABGBS2Cis3CCOFFTM/MTFGEGIGH2IOTMTW+8th-Gender-Alien circus, and every other gluttonous, sinful cause that can solidify or increase their seats, they’ve also clearly forgotten the Lord as well.

But don’t worry about them. Worry about your own kingdom, which includes your home, your church, your office, your kid’s sports team, and even your drive to work.

Be upright as you rule your own little kingdom.

Love the Lord.

Prove it in your actions, i.e., how you treat your spouse and children, your in-laws, your neighbors, the rude dude zooming up in traffic on the way to work, the co-worker that never refills the coffee maker after taking the last cup, and the assistant coach who wants to take all the credit for your kid’s Little League victory.

Life tends to spiral out of control.

Don’t let it.

Life is not what happens to you.

Life is simply how you react to it, so Keep It Simple Saint, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.