Liars Shall Meet With Disaster

From today’s reading…

Disaster to the city of blood, packed throughout with lies, stuffed with booty, where plundering has no end!” Nahum 3:1

All that peace, love, and harmony stuff is fine and dandy, but you need to realize that there is evil in the world and those who fall prey to it want nothing more than to bring you down with them because misery loves company.

God “has restored the vine of Jacob, yes, the vine of Israel, although the plunderers had plundered them, although they had snapped off their vine-shoots!)” (Nahum 2:3), but He also says today that “Vengeance is mine,…” (Deuteronomy 32:35)

So get on the right team, God’s team, because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.