Kings Shall Issue From Sarah

From today’s reading…

When Abram was ninety-nine years old Yahweh appeared to him and said, ‘I am El Shaddai. Live in my presence, be perfect,…Furthermore God said to Abraham, ‘As regards your wife Sarai, you must not call her Sarai, but Sarah. I shall bless her and moreover give you a son by her. I shall bless her and she will become nations: kings of peoples will issue from her….But my covenant I shall maintain with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear you at this time next year.’” Genesis 17:1, 15-16, 21

God’s not done with you yet, so change your name, change your hair, move, launch your business, have another baby…or not.

Just know that all God wants you to do is…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.