Just Empty Preaching?

From today’s reading…

If there is no resurrection of the dead,

then neither has Christ been raised.

And if Christ has not been raised, then empty too is our preaching;

empty, too, your faith.” 1 Corinthians 15:13

A lot of people have been born, but only a few have been raised from the dead, and only one who was called the Son of God, which makes being a Christian a really easy proposition.

You see, there are many who claim “Jesus was a good dude…a wise rabbi…even a prophet,” but they are two cards short of a full deck because Jesus allowed people to kneel to Him, to worship Him, to seek forgiveness from Him.

He walked around saying He was God. So He either was/is God, or he was a lying…ahh…meanie head…no good dude.

So what do you believe? It’s okay if you don’t believe all of the above. That means you need to keep digging in and praying and learning and discerning until you do, or don’t do any of that, go about your secular life, and hope that you’re right. That there is no life after death. That there is no resurrection. That there is no salvation. That there is no eternity.

Since the risk of being wrong is too high, I’m sticking with believing and will do all I can to…

Stay the course. Keep the faith. Endure.

Now go sell something.